Informe del vuelo

Fecha del vuelo
04 Apr 2024 20:04 UTC
Estado de la revisión
Número de vuelo
ICAO de origen
ICAO de destino
ICAO alternativo
Fenix A320 CFM - Fenix VA
Combustible utilizado
Hora de salida
Hora de llegada
Duración del vuelo
Experiencia del vuelo
Tipo de vuelo

Análisis de pericia (37%)

Pérdida detectada
Accidente detectado
Luces de aterrizaje por debajo de 10k
Luces de aterrizaje por encima de 10k
Exceso de velocidad / Stress detectado
Exceso de velocidad Taxi
Exceso de velocidad bajo 10k
Beacon apagado con motor encendido
Derrape detectado
Pausa detectada

Análisis Despegue/Aterrizaje (Landing Rate -597fpm)

Fuerza-G despegue
Velocidad de rotación
Ángulo de rotación
Alabeo de rotación
Velocidad tren arriba
Altitud tren arriba
Vientos en despegue
TAT Departure/Arrival
Fuerza-G aterrizaje
Velocidad de toma
Ángulo de toma
Alabeo de toma
Velocidad tren abajo
Altitud tren abajo
Viento en aterrizaje
Spoilers desplegados en la toma

Registro de vuelo

[18:22:32utc] You have successfully logged in Miguel Ángel Ruiz Fernández.
[18:43:50utc] Your flight to LHBP has now been started.
[18:43:51utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[18:48:00utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[18:51:04utc] Starting engine(s)
[18:52:36utc] FLAPS 2
[19:02:43utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 075/2kt
[19:03:12utc] Departing LATI, IAS 161kt, G-force 1.07g, pitch -10.22deg, bank -4.28deg, VS 121fpm, HDG 352deg
[19:03:22utc] Gear UP, IAS 170kt, GS 171kt, ALT 400ft
[19:03:34utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 167kt, GS 169kt, VS 2890fpm, ALT 990ft, PITCH -16.73deg, HDG 358deg, TAT 16deg, WIND 106/6kt
[19:03:46utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1560ft
[19:04:31utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 197kt
[19:04:37utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 204kt
[19:07:02utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10040ft
[19:24:17utc] Aircraft at 34350ft, IAS 262kt, GS 420kt, HDG 357deg, TAT -31deg, WIND 313/33kt
[19:49:46utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 34080ft, IAS 264kt, GS 408kt, HDG 314deg, VS -1015fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 292/36kt
[20:04:59utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 234kt
[20:05:21utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9680ft
[20:08:02utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 204kt
[20:08:09utc] FLAPS 3, IAS 202kt
[20:08:44utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 199kt, GS 224kt, ALT 4110ft
[20:09:06utc] FLAPS 4, IAS 184kt
[20:09:09utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 183kt
[20:11:13utc] On approach, IAS 137, VS -783fpm, ALT 1900ft, pitch -2.88deg, HDG 137deg
[20:13:06utc] Landed with a landing rate of -597fpm, touchdown speed 136kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -4.66deg, bank -0.36deg
[20:13:14utc] Landed with a landing rate of -597fpm, touchdown speed 136kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -4.66deg, bank -0.36deg
[20:13:15utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:13:16utc] Landed with a landing rate of -597fpm, touchdown speed 136kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -4.66deg, bank -0.36deg
[20:14:10utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[20:14:26utc] Landing lights OFF
[20:14:41utc] FLAPS 4
[20:14:43utc] FLAPS 3
[20:14:44utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:14:45utc] FLAPS 2
[20:14:46utc] FLAPS 1
[20:14:53utc] FLAPS UP
[20:16:52utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[20:21:42utc] Aircraft parked
[20:27:13utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:13utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:14utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:14utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:16utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:17utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:18utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:19utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:20utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:21utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:23utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:24utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:26utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:26utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:30utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:31utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:31utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:32utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:32utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:33utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:34utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:35utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:35utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:36utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:36utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:37utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:37utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:38utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:39utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:39utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:40utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:41utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:41utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:43utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:43utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:43utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:43utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:44utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:45utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:46utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:46utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:48utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:48utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:49utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:49utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:52utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:52utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:52utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:53utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:54utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:54utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:56utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:56utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:56utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:56utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:57utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:57utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:58utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:58utc] FLAPS 2
[20:27:59utc] FLAPS UP
[20:27:59utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:00utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:00utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:00utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:01utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:01utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:02utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:02utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:02utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:03utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:03utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:06utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:06utc] FLAPS 2
[20:28:07utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:07utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 165kt
[20:28:07utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 166kt
[20:28:07utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 166kt
[20:28:09utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 167kt
[20:28:10utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 167kt
[20:28:12utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 168kt
[20:28:12utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 168kt
[20:28:12utc] Gear UP, IAS 168kt, GS 171kt, ALT 400ft
[20:28:13utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 168kt
[20:28:13utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 168kt, GS 171kt, ALT 420ft
[20:28:13utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 168kt
[20:28:13utc] Gear UP, IAS 168kt, GS 171kt, ALT 430ft
[20:28:14utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 168kt
[20:28:14utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 168kt, GS 169kt, ALT 460ft
[20:28:14utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 167kt
[20:28:14utc] Gear UP, IAS 167kt, GS 169kt, ALT 480ft
[20:28:16utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 167kt
[20:28:16utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 167kt, GS 169kt, ALT 540ft
[20:28:17utc] FLAPS 2, IAS 164kt
[20:28:17utc] Gear UP, IAS 164kt, GS 169kt, ALT 2350ft
[20:28:17utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 244kt
[20:28:19utc] FLAPS 1, IAS 215kt
[20:28:19utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 184kt
[20:28:19utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 184kt, GS 154kt, ALT 2820ft
[20:28:22utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:28:25utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:27utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 135kt
[20:28:28utc] FLAPS UP
[20:28:28utc] Aircraft at 690ft, IAS 134kt, GS 136kt, HDG 133deg, TAT 21deg, WIND 225/3kt
[20:28:30utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 136kt
[20:28:31utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 1290ft, IAS 137kt, GS 142kt, HDG 134deg, VS -361fpm, TAT 20deg, WIND 226/3kt
[20:28:33utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:34utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:34utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:34utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:36utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:37utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:38utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:38utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:40utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:40utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:42utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:42utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:45utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:45utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:46utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:46utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:47utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:48utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:48utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:49utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:49utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:50utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:50utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:51utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:52utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:52utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:53utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:53utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:54utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:54utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:28:56utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:28:57utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:01utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:02utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:05utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:05utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:06utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:06utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:07utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:08utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:09utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:09utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:12utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 138kt
[20:29:12utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 138kt
[20:29:13utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:14utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:14utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:14utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:15utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:16utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:24utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:24utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:25utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:25utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:25utc] FLAPS UP, IAS 137kt
[20:29:26utc] FLAPS FULL, IAS 137kt
[20:29:34utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:34utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:35utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:35utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:36utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:36utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -597fpm, touchdown speed 136kt, G-force 1.22g, pitch -4.66deg, bank -0.36deg
[20:29:37utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:37utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:38utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:38utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:40utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:40utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:42utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:43utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:46utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:46utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:46utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:46utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:46utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:47utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:48utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:48utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:48utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:49utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:49utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:49utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:49utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:50utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:51utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:51utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:51utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:51utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:51utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:52utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:52utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:52utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:52utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:53utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:53utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:54utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:54utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:54utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:54utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:56utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:56utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:56utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:56utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:57utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:57utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:58utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:58utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:58utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:58utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:29:59utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:29:59utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:29:59utc] FLAPS UP
[20:29:59utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:30:00utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:30:00utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:30:05utc] FLAPS UP
[20:30:05utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:30:06utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:30:06utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:30:06utc] FLAPS UP
[20:30:06utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:30:07utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:30:07utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:30:08utc] FLAPS UP
[20:30:08utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:30:09utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:30:09utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:30:09utc] FLAPS UP
[20:30:09utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[20:30:10utc] FLAPS FULL
[20:30:10utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[20:30:13utc] FLAPS UP
[20:30:13utc] Spoilers RETRACTED